Transport Minister Praises Smooth Eid Homecoming Traffic -
Kamis, 29 Juni 2017 21:32 WIB
Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi (berkemeja putih) memberangkatkan KA Tawang Jaya di Stasiun Semarang Poncol di sela kunjungan kerja mengecek kesiapan arus balik Lebaran 2017. (Foto:ANTARAJATENG.COM/Wisnu Adhi N.)
Semarang, ANTARA JATENG - Transportation minister Budi Karya Sumadi praised the smooth flow of Eid homecoming traffic this year.
"Based on overall evaluation, thank God, the traffic flow has been good although certain areas still needed improvement," he stated at Poncol railway station here on Thursday.
He added that the time and pattern of homecoming management by travelers must be reviewed and improved.
Rest areas and parking lots for Eid travelers in several locations must be developed to assure comfortable rest for motorists, he noted.
"Coordination among national and regional agencies must be further improved through good communication to create a good homecoming pattern," he stressed.
The minister appealed to the returning Eid holidaymakers to continue prioritizing safety.
He appealed to travelers, especially those who use motorbikes, to take the benefit of free-travel program provided by the government in cooperation with offices concerned.
"There are four free-travel programs by sea that we have organized from Semarang," he remarked.
On the occasion, the minister praised the coordination between his office and the police and the ministry of public works that resulted in creating smooth traffic management.
Eid holidaymakers are expected to return in the next few days as civil servants have to resume their work from July 3 after enjoying a long Eid holiday.
"Based on overall evaluation, thank God, the traffic flow has been good although certain areas still needed improvement," he stated at Poncol railway station here on Thursday.
He added that the time and pattern of homecoming management by travelers must be reviewed and improved.
Rest areas and parking lots for Eid travelers in several locations must be developed to assure comfortable rest for motorists, he noted.
"Coordination among national and regional agencies must be further improved through good communication to create a good homecoming pattern," he stressed.
The minister appealed to the returning Eid holidaymakers to continue prioritizing safety.
He appealed to travelers, especially those who use motorbikes, to take the benefit of free-travel program provided by the government in cooperation with offices concerned.
"There are four free-travel programs by sea that we have organized from Semarang," he remarked.
On the occasion, the minister praised the coordination between his office and the police and the ministry of public works that resulted in creating smooth traffic management.
Eid holidaymakers are expected to return in the next few days as civil servants have to resume their work from July 3 after enjoying a long Eid holiday.
Pewarta : Wisnu Adhi Nugroho
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