Jakarta (ANTARA) - National Police Chief General Idham Aziz inaugurated former chief of the Profession and Internal Security Division Inspector General Listyo Sigit Prabowo as new chief of the Criminal Investigation Division (Bareskrim) on Monday.

General Aziz also inducted Brigadier General Ignatius Sigit Widiatmono as chief of the Profession and Internal Security Division to replace Inspector General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

Former chief of the Security Maintenance Division Commissioner General Firli Bahuri was installed as chief policy analyst of the Security Maintenance Division, while Inspector General Agus Andrianto was inaugurated as chief of the Security Maintenance Division in place of Commissioner General Firli.

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Inspector General Martuani Sormin was inaugurated as chief of the North Sumatra Provincial Police, while former chief of the West Papua Provincial Police Brigadier General Herry Rudolf Nahak was inducted as assistant to the National Police chief for operations.

Brigadier General Tornagogo Sihombing was inaugurated as chief of the West Papua Provincial Police, replacing Brigadier General Herry Rudolf.

Former chief of the Yogyakarta Provincial Police Inspector General Ahmad Dofiri was inducted as assistant to the National Police chief for logistics, while Inspector General Asep Suhendar was installed as chief of the Yogayakarta Provincial Police to succeed Ahmad Dofiri.

Inspector General Fakhrizal was inducted as chief policy analyst of the Security Maintenance Division and Inspector General Toni Harmanto was inaugurated as chief of the West Sumatra Provincial Police, whereas Inspector General Lukman Wahyu Hariyanto was assigned to the Security Maintenance Division.

Brigadier General Syafril Nursal was installed as chief of the Central Sulawesi Provincial Police.

The tour of duty was contained in the National Police chief's telegram number: ST/3229/XII/KEP./2019 dated December 4, 2019.

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