The 26 year-old Sarubi Niati Cholisoh was kidnapped on Wednesday at 8 am while she was out for breakfast, she told the police on Sunday.

"I was walking when a couple of unknown men approached me and asked whether I know where to get a rental houses. And after a few seconds they drugged me," she said.

Sarubi said that she woke up in a warehouse like building and guarded by a well-built man.

In such a situation, Sarubi said to have called her husband Sardi from a cellular phone saying that she is in a warehouse, but later the kidnappers took away her cell phone.

"Not long after that, two women dressed as a nurse appeared and forced me to take some pills, and I immediately gave birth to a baby with the help of the so-called paramedics," Sarubi said.

According to Sarubi, she cannot identify the kidnappers because all of them were wearing a mask.

"All I remember was to give birth to a baby boy with a birth mark behind his right ear, which I saw when breastfeeding," she said.

After the baby was born, Sarubi was released by the kidnappers in front of the famous tourism site in Semarang on Sunday at 5.15 am.

Sarubi said she tried to go after the kidnapper's minivan but she lost track after 1.6 kilometers in Simpang Lima.

"I just want my son as well as the kidnappers," Sardi who was accompanying his wife told the police.

According to Sardi, he has filed a missing person on Wednesday (Jan 18), the day when his wife went missing.

The case is now being investigated by the Semarang police.