"God willing we will be ranked first. But actually, the target is a notch higher," one of the party's advisory board members, Siswono Yudohusodo, said during a regional party meeting here on Saturday.

He noted that in the last general elections in 2009, Golkar received the most votes in 15 provinces, though none of the provinces were in Java.

In Java, Golkar received the most votes from Banten, to finish second, while the ruling Democrat Party won in five provinces and the opposition Indonesia Democratic Party Sruggle (PDIP) in one province.

Java has become a political target because its dense population reaches almost 1,000 per kilometer.

"So the success in winning more votes in Java would be the key to Golkar's success in improving its ranking," he said.

In connection with that, Siswono said party leaders are now conducting a roadshow in Java, which will start in West Java.

Regarding the party's presidential candidate for 2014, he said this would be discussed at a special leadership meeting in June or July.

"The meeting is called special because its schedule is moved ahead of the initial schedule in October 2012 to provide more time to prepare for the elections," he said.