Propagation of Radicalism Now Done Online: Counter-terrorism Agency
Minggu, 7 Mei 2017 00:32 WIB
"It is all because of technological progress. It has never happened before. It was always done in physical presence. Now it can be done online too," he said after giving a lecture at state Diponegoro University.
He said that the propagation of radicalism has been carried out through the Internet, and it has made it easier for the radical ideologies to spread.
"It is impossible to prevent transmission of information. Information may enter public domain, family room, as well as classrooms. Therefore, we must be alert," he stated.
He called on university rectors, deans, and lecturers to be sensitive towards the activities in their campuses with regard to preventing radical ideology or movement from entering , adding that each campus must have an assistant rector for student affairs, who will be responsible for monitoring the activities of the students.
Suhardi stated that monitoring must not only be done within the campus but also where student dormitories or student boarding houses or houses of prayer are located.
Efforts must be taken to prevent possible infiltration of irresponsible persons to spread hatred or radical ideology or movement, he noted.
"Students must also care about each other by reporting if they see someone starting to separate him/herself or create an exclusive group," he remarked.
Suhardi added that it could take not days but weeks or months or years to develop a radical group.
Pewarta : Zuhdiar Laeis