Police seize 37 kg of crystal methamphetamine from Malaysia
Selasa, 11 Juni 2019 21:50 WIB

Among the suspects, four were arrested on the Karenliner Ship, a luxury Malaysian-flagged yacht docked at Batavia Marina Pier, Sunda Kelapa Port complex, Ancol, North Jakarta, Tuesday (June 4).
The suspects with the initials MIF, SHN, SLH and RHM, had different roles in this drug smuggling.
"They are the ship’s captain, controller, and others whose job was to move the crystal methamphetamine," the Department's Deputy Director of Narcotics Crime, Commissioner Krisno Halomoan Siregar said here on Tuesday.
Krisno said that this drug case was different from previous cases that used small fishing boats as transportation.
This time, packages of methamphetamine were brought by smugglers sailing on a French-made luxury yacht which cost Rp7 billion (US$429 thousand).
The Karenliner was hired to transport drug packages from the Port of Senibong Cove Marina, Johor, Malaysia to Jakarta, on the order of a person with the initials of HA.
"HA is still a fugitive," Siregar said.
To trick the officers, 37 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine was packaged in 37 packs of Chinese tea, with each weighing 1 kilogram and stored in two black suitcases that were hidden in the ship.
In addition to the four people arrested on board, police also arrested IKZ at Marina Pier. IKZ's role was to pick up the drug packages from the ship after its arrival in Jakarta.
On the same day, police also arrested the network’s controller, MHS, at Aston Pluit Hotel, Jakarta.
Those suspects are charged with violating Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning narcotics.
The National Police supervise small ports along the coastline of Indonesia, especially those prone to smuggling drugs, such as in Sumatra and Kalimantan.
Pewarta : Anita Permata Dewi/Yashinta Difa Pramudyani
Achmad Zaenal M