Mt. Anak Krakatau erupts, spewing 1,000-meter-high ash column
Selasa, 31 Desember 2019 15:31 WIB

In its press statement released on Tuesday, the PVMBG observed a column of thick gray-to-black ash billowing out of the volcano and reaching as high as one thousand meters from its crater, or 1,157 meters above sea level, when the volcano erupted at 6:51 a.m. local time on Tuesday.
The seismogram recorded the eruption, with a maximum amplitude of 44 millimeters and a duration of one minutes, 33 seconds, according to the statement.
The agency noted that no thumping sounds were audible during the eruption.
The alert status for Mount Anak Krakatau remains at level II, or caution. The PVMBG has advised residents and tourists to not venture into the two-kilometer radius danger zone from the crater.
No immediate report was received of fatalities or injuries following the volcano's eruption on Tuesday.
The eruption of Krakatoa, or Krakatau, in August 1883 was one of the most deadly volcanic eruptions in modern history, with over 36 thousand people estimated to have died.
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Pewarta : Budisantoso Budiman/Suharto
Achmad Zaenal M