Road Accidents in Indonesia Reach 30.000 per Annum
Minggu, 27 Mei 2012 10:32 WIB

He said that the high rate of traffic accidents in Indonesia was due to various causes such as the lack of discipline by motorists, traffic density, the high flow of traffic due to narrow roads and others.
The director general made the remarks on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Car-Free Day and Traffic Safety Campaign here on Sunday.
He said that nowadays, the density of motorists on the roads in Java was very high. The growth of two-wheel vehicles reached ten percent per annum while the four-wheel vehicles seven percent. In the meantime, the growth of roads only reached one percent.
Through the campaign, it is expected that the rate of road accidents could be reduced by 50 percent in the coming ten years, the director general said.
"We hope that all regions in the country would conduct campaign on the orderliness and discipline in using roads so that the accident rate could be lowered to a lowest level possible," the director general said.
Pewarta : Joko Widodo
D.Dj. Kliwantoro