Prasetyo: KPK Law revision to make law enforcement agencies stronger
Sabtu, 21 September 2019 8:18 WIB
Attorney General HM Prasetyo (ANTARA/Dyah Dwi)
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Attorney General Muhammad Prasetyo stated that the revision of Law No. 30 of 2002 on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will make law enforcement healthier, owing to new checks and balances.
"We hope the revision of the KPK Law will increase checks and balances and make law enforcement healthier, without causing presumptions," he said in the Attorney General's Office compound in Jakarta on Friday.
The revision of the KPK Law allows for the presence of the board of commissioners to issue a permit to tap phones and search KPK leadership.
In addition, it will also require KPK to hand over its investigations and indictments to the police, and/or the public prosecutor's office, if the criminal offense does not meet standards.
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Asked if the revision of the law strengthens the role of the public prosecutor's office and the police, he said this is what he wanted since the KPK is only to strengthen existing law enforcement bodies.
"In the past, the spirit was the extent to which the success of the KPK would encourage the existing law enforcement agencies to become better," he said.
He noted the KPK not only synergizes with the police and public prosecutor's office, but also with the Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis (PPATK) and the State Audit Board (BPK).
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"We hope the revision of the KPK Law will increase checks and balances and make law enforcement healthier, without causing presumptions," he said in the Attorney General's Office compound in Jakarta on Friday.
The revision of the KPK Law allows for the presence of the board of commissioners to issue a permit to tap phones and search KPK leadership.
In addition, it will also require KPK to hand over its investigations and indictments to the police, and/or the public prosecutor's office, if the criminal offense does not meet standards.
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Asked if the revision of the law strengthens the role of the public prosecutor's office and the police, he said this is what he wanted since the KPK is only to strengthen existing law enforcement bodies.
"In the past, the spirit was the extent to which the success of the KPK would encourage the existing law enforcement agencies to become better," he said.
He noted the KPK not only synergizes with the police and public prosecutor's office, but also with the Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis (PPATK) and the State Audit Board (BPK).
Baca juga: Attorney General: "We Cary Out Unpleaseant Duty"
Pewarta : Dyah Dwi Astuti/Suharto
Editor : Achmad Zaenal M
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