"As a head of government I welcomed the agreement because it would give the government a legitimate authority on the issue," he said in his statement in response to the agreement on the ...
"The revised 2012 budget is maintained and relatively safe although there is homework to keep maintaining sand safeguarding it," he said in his explanation of the posture of the revised ...
Public Relations official of Rio Haryanto, Andi Mailangky said from Semarang Monday the test is for all the racers taking part in the first series of GP 2 in Malaysia. Besides ...
Incessant heavy downpour over the last couple of days caused the river to overflow, with water level rising up to one meter and inundating houses in Dukuh Nusupan village, Grogol ...
Accompanied by First Lady Ani Yudhoyono, Central Java Governor Bibit Waluyo, and a number of cabinet ministers, the president symbolically harvested Inpari-13 type pest-resistant rice ...
The food imports mostly went to middle-and high-class population and only small part of them was distributed among the poor through subsidized rice for the poor (raskin) program, ...
The 26 year-old Sarubi Niati Cholisoh was kidnapped on Wednesday at 8 am while she was out for breakfast, she told the police on Sunday. "I was walking when a couple of ...
Triggered by incessant heavy rains, the landslide occurred at seven points and forced 37 families to evacuate to safer places, the head of the Nahdlatul Ulama disaster mitigation task ...