Floods, Landslides Hit Villages in Cilacap
Selasa, 17 Oktober 2017 11:36 WIB
Salah satu rumah warga Desa Gunungreja, Kecamatan Sidareja, Cilacap, tergenang banjir pada hari Selasa (17/10/2017). (Foto: ANTARAJATENG.COM/Dok. BPBD Cilacap)
Cilacap, ANTARA JATENG - Floods and landslides have hit several villages in Cilacap, Central Java, following incessant heavy rains since Monday.
Five villages were flooded in Sidareja sub-district as Cibereum River spilled over its bank, Martono of the Cilacap disaster mitigation office, said here, Tuesday.
The flood-affected villagers are Sidareja, Gunungreja, Tegalsari, Sudagaran, and Sidamulya. Flood waters reached a height of up to 60 cm.
In Kawunganten sub-district, floods submerged Grugu and Bringkeng villages. Flooding also inundated Binangun village in Bantarsri sub-district.
Meanwhile, landslides have hit Cilibang village in Jeruklegi sub-district, and Ciwuni village in Kesugihan sub-disrict, Cilacap District.
In Banyumas District, a landslide buried one home located in Kalisalak village, Kebasen sub-district.
Indonesia is currently entering a rainy season that has triggered flooding in several provinces.
Five villages were flooded in Sidareja sub-district as Cibereum River spilled over its bank, Martono of the Cilacap disaster mitigation office, said here, Tuesday.
The flood-affected villagers are Sidareja, Gunungreja, Tegalsari, Sudagaran, and Sidamulya. Flood waters reached a height of up to 60 cm.
In Kawunganten sub-district, floods submerged Grugu and Bringkeng villages. Flooding also inundated Binangun village in Bantarsri sub-district.
Meanwhile, landslides have hit Cilibang village in Jeruklegi sub-district, and Ciwuni village in Kesugihan sub-disrict, Cilacap District.
In Banyumas District, a landslide buried one home located in Kalisalak village, Kebasen sub-district.
Indonesia is currently entering a rainy season that has triggered flooding in several provinces.
Pewarta : Sumarwoto
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