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Minister Susi To Mike Inventory Of Islands In Indonesia

Minggu, 4 Desember 2016 09:31 WIB
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Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan, Susi Pudjiastuti. (FOTO ANTARA/Wahyu Putro A)
Semarang, Antara Jateng - The Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Susi Pudjiastuti, said here on Saturday that she would make an inventory of the islands in Indonesia, including their ownership.

"It is about ensuring some orderliness. The government needs to know the state's assets, and how many islands it has now. That is our program," she noted.

She was here to receive an honorary doctorate degree from Diponegoro University.

Minister Susi pointed out that so far, there is no inventory of the islands.

"We have so far had no record regarding the exact size of each island or the potential of the islands," she noted.

She said the inventory would also reflect the details of ownership of these islands.

"It will all be put in order. How and from where the ownership was received or whether it is valid. No one is allowed to own an island to the extent of 100 percent," she underlined.

Communities, including individuals, may own islands but 30 percent of the ownership of the islands must remain with the state.

"An island may not be owned 100 percent by community members. A minimum of thirty percent must remain vested in the state and others. We will immediately launch this program," she commented.

Pewarta :
Editor: Antarajateng