Central Java setting example in bureaucratic reform

Semarang, Central Java (ANTARA) - Central Java province has set an example in bureaucratic reform at all levels, according to Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas in Semarang on Thursday.
"Central Java can (set an example of) how a thematic bureaucratic reform should be, thus Central Java has been chosen as the first province to host ‘Socialization and Assistance for Thematic Bureaucratic Reform and 2020–2024 Bureaucracy Reform Road Map Changes,’" he said.
The province was chosen considering its high score in terms of the government performance accountability system and bureaucratic reform, he added.
The minister said that thematic bureaucratic reform is a new strategy outlined in the 2020–2024 Bureaucracy Reform Road Map, which will be implemented until 2024.
The reform focuses on four things: poverty eradication, investment, government administration digitization, as well as President Joko Widodo's priority programs, such as domestic product use and inflation suppression, he elaborated.
Thematic bureaucratic reform is a framework that is used to resolve management issues regarding priority government programs, Anas added.
By resolving the root of problems in management, it is expected that there would be more effective and efficient development as per existing policies, as well as an immediate manifestation of people's expectations, the minister said.
“So, if you want the bureaucracy reform score to increase, then the poverty rate must come down, the handling of stunting cases must be great, and then the investment must increase, and the digitization must go on," Minister Anas added.
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo lauded the ministry's innovation.
"In spirit, I would like to thank the Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Ministry. Mr. Anas has given the brief to us. If all is done at once, it won't be finished, so for now, it's just the thematic ones. I feel like the theme is a crucial theme, rational, and we aim for it to be achieved," he said.
According to him, bureaucratic reform in Central Java is always pursued with the best efforts, as proven by the province scoring an 'A' in an evaluation by the ministry.
"His (Anas’) arrival here motivates us all to improve the situation. What he said that made me interested is that if (we) want to consult, no need to come to Jakarta. Here's the number. That's so efficient, so great. So truly, a lot of things can be made easy, why must we make it harder?" Pranowo added. (LHP)
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